Students' needs

Regarding the official requirements for English on the second level of secondary education, the
official curriculum is organized into five main sections: Understanding oral texts, Production of oral
texts: expression and interaction, Understanding written texts, Production of written texts:
expression and interaction and Transversal elements to the subjects. Inside these five parts, there
are three other parts that are essential for a teacher to create their lessons: contents, assessment
criteria, and basic competences.

To know the official requirements click on this link:

Now, I'm going to create different activities for each section for the second level of secondary
education. Therefore, the main contents, assessment criteria and basic competences that appear in
the official curriculum are taking to account. The main aim of this level is to use the language in a
simple way in order to understand short texts. So, I'm going to create them according to the
students' needs.

Understanding oral texts
-Oral comprehension strategies.
-Formulation of hypothesis about content, context, and communicative intention.
-Communicative functions.
-Expansion of the usual vocabulary for the following topics:
-Travel and Vacation
Pre-task: the students should know that it is a dialogue at an airport check-in. So, they have to
predict and speculate language and phrases that could be useful for a better understanding of the
listening and explain it to the rest of the class. To help them, the teacher will show them a picture of
an airport.
Activity:  Students have to listen and see if any of their ideas are mentioned and write those that are
helpful to them.
Post-task: using the new vocabulary and sentences, the teacher will introduce different scenarios to
do a role play dialogue in class, e.g. the flight being delayed or an upgrade to a first class being
available. To listen to the audio click on this link:

Production of oral texts: expression and interaction.
-Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects:
-Lexicon, expressions, and idioms of frequent use (Production).
-Expression and justification of opinions. Valuation of a fact like easy, possible and its opposites.
-Expression of feelings.
Expansion of the usual vocabulary for the following topics:
-Travel and vacation.
ACTIVITY: This activity has the aim of introducing the topic of travel abroad.
Pre-task: the teacher shows the students two pictures of two different places and they have to write
words or ideas related to the topic on the blackboard.
Activity: students have to see a video about both places and discuss in groups their ideas and the
advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the classmates listen to the plans and they should choose
which of the two options is better.

Understanding written texts.
-Main points and relevant details. Summary of important ideas and appointment of details of interest.
-Description of physical qualities of people, objects, and places.
-Expansion of the usual vocabulary for the following topics:
-Free time, leisure and sport
Pre-task: the teacher will give to the students some important words that appear in the text in order
to ask them to title the reading. They should work in pairs. Once they have finished, each pair ought
to share their ideas with their classmates.
Activity: The reading is a video game instruction manual and the task will consist of a Running and
Reading activity. The teacher must divide the class into student A and student B and they should
work with the same partner of the pre-task. Student A is sitting at one end of the classroom and has
a list of questions that have to answer. Student A has to read the first question to student B who has
to run down the classroom to find the answer in the text and then run back to tell the answer to
student A. They should swap roles in each question. Finally, the first pair to answer all the questions
wins. At the end, the teacher will correct the answers.

Production of written texts: expression and interaction.
-Locate and use appropriately linguistic or thematic resources. Selection of basic information from
different sources to support the ideas of the written production.
-The narration of past events, description of states and situations present, and expression of future events.
Pre-task: students have to watch the animated short film called “In a Heartbeat”.
Activity: they have to write a short story about "how a couple became a couple" they have to use
the past tense and try to be as original and inventive as possible.
Post-task: in small groups, they have to exchange their writings in order to negotiate which is the
most creative and why. At the end, each group has to read it to the rest of the class and they should
guess who is the writer of the short story. At the end of the class, the teacher will collect the writings
in order to correct them.

Hope you found this entry helpful and interesting!

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